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I'm Liz Marr, registered dietitian nutritionist, mom, author, musician and fiber artist/crafter. Welcome to Liz On Food, my online buffet serving up insight, advice, humor and recipes, exploring food, nutrition, family, politics, history, music, arts and crafts.

I hope you check out my latest writing project, a historic memoir coauthored with my mother: "The Richest Soil Grows the Deepest Roots," intertwines Mom's memories growing up on her family farm in the Missouri River bottoms of Platte County during the Great Depression and World War II with our family saga spanning five generations. Her story gives rich personal insight into the complex intermingling that occurred in Missouri among Southerners who had been traveling west since the founding of Jamestown and mid-nineteenth century immigrants from Germany. Whatever the differences, our ancestors found much in common as hard-working people building a farm community in the fertile Missouri River Bottoms. This insightful book shares rich details about the region's history and its complexities. Meandering, treacherous, and full of sediment, the Big Muddy, as the river is called, has been a central feature of our family for over 200 years. From 18th-century Boonsborough Kentucky, to the California Gold Rush, and the brutal Civil War in Missouri, readers will be enlightened by the rich history and deeply unique experiences shared in this memoir. Available in paperback and e-book via online retailers, including BookBaby and Amazon.
Book Cover Image
Disclaimer: This blog is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment.
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Member since 02/2009